Adrian Wright-Fitzgerald
Adrian Wright-Fitzgerald

From ESPN Boston: Why Adrian Wright-FitzGerald is Running the Marathon

A volunteer in the medical tent at the 2013 Boston Marathon, Bentley athletic trainer Adrian Wright-Fitzgerald explained to Hall of Fame sportswriter Jackie MacMullan of ESPN Boston why she'll be running the 2014 Marathon on Monday. This article was part of a feature that ran on 

by Jackie MacMullan,

The day was running so smoothly. Adrian Wright-FitzGerald wasn't sure what to expect when she volunteered to work the "A" medical tent at the marathon finish line, and while there was a steady stream of patients for lower body injuries, blisters, cramping and mild hypothermia, for the most part, it was an easy, manageable, inspiring day.Adrian Wright-FitzgeraldAthletic trainer Adrian Wright-FitzGerald was in the medical tent at the marathon finish line when the bombs went off.

"I was having a really good time,'' said Wright-FitzGerald, who is a certified athletic trainer.

Just before 3 p.m., as she knelt down to assist a runner, she felt the ground shake.

One physician surmised it was a truck collision; another claimed a major thunderstorm was coming.

For the rest of the article, please click here.

Adrian’s first-person essay is posted here and you can also hear her read it.